Querying: Difference between revisions

(Created page with "Declare these namespaces at the start of every query: ``` PREFIX wd: <https://ottgaz.org/entity/> PREFIX wdt: <https://ottgaz.org/prop/direct/> ```")
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== Namespace ==
Declare these namespaces at the start of every query:
Declare these namespaces at the start of every query:

PREFIX wd: <https://ottgaz.org/entity/>
PREFIX wd: <https://ottgaz.org/entity/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://ottgaz.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://ottgaz.org/prop/direct/>
== Sample queries ==
=== Label ===
SELECT ?vilayet ?vilayetLabel
  ?vilayet wdt:P6 wd:Q5 .
  ?vilayet rdfs:label ?vilayetLabel .