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Run SPARQL queries via the Ottgaz Query Service.

Remember: SPARQL is currently case sensitive, as elastic search is disabled in


Declare these namespaces at the start of every query:

PREFIX og: <>
PREFIX ogs: <>
PREFIX ogv: <>
PREFIX ogt: <>
PREFIX ogp: <>
PREFIX ogps: <>
PREFIX ogpq: <>

Sample queries


All regions that had vilayet status, as well as their English language label. run

SELECT ?vilayet ?vilayetLabel
  ?vilayet ogt:P15 og:Q5.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }

Duration, start and end dates

Duration between start and end date of every region with a start date, as well as region type. run

SELECT ?regionLabel ?statusLabel (YEAR(?starttime) as ?start) (YEAR(?endtime) as ?end) ?duration
 ?region ogt:P6 og:Q1.
 ?region ogp:P15 ?statement.
 ?statement ogps:P15 ?status.
 ?statement ogpq:P7 ?starttime.
 OPTIONAL{?statement ogpq:P8 ?endtime.}
 OPTIONAL{?statement ogpq:P22 ?endtime.}
 BIND(year(?endtime)-year(?starttime) as ?duration )
 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
ORDER BY desc(?duration)

Number of kazas created each year

In each year, how many kazas were inaugurated? run

SELECT ?year (COUNT (DISTINCT ?kaza) AS ?count)
 ?kaza ogt:P15 og:Q3.
 ?kaza ogp:P15 ?statement.
 ?statement ogps:P15 og:Q3.
 ?statement ogpq:P7 ?starttime.
 bind(year(?starttime) as ?year)
GROUP BY ?year
ORDER BY desc(?count)

Count status types in a given year

For a given year, how many regions of each status are found in the dataset? run

SELECT (COUNT (DISTINCT ?region) AS ?count) ?statusLabel
 ?region ogp:P15 ?statement.
 ?statement ogps:P15 ?status.
 ?statement ogpq:P7 ?starttime.
 OPTIONAL{?statement ogpq:P8 ?endtime.}
 OPTIONAL{?statement ogpq:P22 ?endtime.}
 #enter same year twice
 FILTER(YEAR(?starttime) <= 1600 && YEAR(?endtime) > 1600)
 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
GROUP BY ?statusLabel
ORDER BY desc(?count)

Number of kazas between 1800 and 1900

  • This query is not working yet.* The query below returns the number of vilayets between 1750 and 1760. Thanks to Stanislav Kralin for help. [ run]
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
SELECT ?number (count(*) as ?count)  {
?year wdt:P31 wd:Q21199 ; wdt:P1181 ?number
FILTER (?number >= 1750  && ?number <= 1760)
?vilayet ogt:P15 og:Q5.
?vilayet ogp:P15 ?statement.
?statement ogps:P15 og:Q5.
?statement ogpq:P7 ?starttime.
OPTIONAL{?statement ogpq:P8 ?endtime.}
OPTIONAL{?statement ogpq:P22 ?endtime.}
BIND (YEAR(?starttime) AS ?year1)
BIND (YEAR(COALESCE(?endtime, NOW())) AS ?year2)
FILTER (?number >= ?year1 && ?number <= ?year2)
group by ?number
order by ?number

Sancak status ending between 1830 and 1840

This query will return the region more than once, if it undergoes status change more than once during this time period. run

SELECT ?sancak ?sancakLabel (YEAR(?starttime) as ?start) (YEAR(?endtime) as ?end) 
 ?sancak ogt:P6 og:Q1.
 ?sancak ogp:P15 ?statement.
 ?statement ogps:P15 og:Q4.
 ?statement ogpq:P7 ?starttime.
 OPTIONAL{?statement ogpq:P8 ?endtime.}
 OPTIONAL{?statement ogpq:P22 ?endtime.} 
 FILTER(YEAR(?endtime) >= 1830 && YEAR(?endtime) <= 1840)  
 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
ORDER BY (?endtime)

Map of sanjak seats

This shows only those sanjaks with seats designated and geolocated. run

SELECT ?sancakLabel ?seatLabel ?geo
 ?sancak ogt:P15 og:Q4.
 ?sancak ogt:P14 ?seat.
 OPTIONAL {?seat ogt:P10 ?geo.}
 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }

Federated query with Wikidata

For every sanjak in Ottgaz, this query fetches the vilayet or eyalet to which Wikidata says it belongs. Thanks to Lucas Werkmeister for help. run

PREFIX og: <>
PREFIX ogt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

SELECT ?sancak ?sancakLabel ?vilayet ?vilayetLabel
  ?sancak ogt:P15 og:Q4 . # item must be a sanjak
  ?sancak ogt:P4 ?c . # finds reference URL to wikidata
  BIND(IRI(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(STR(?c), "Property:", ""), "/wiki/", "/entity/"), "https://", "http://")) AS ?wd_c) # produces proper URL for query form
  SERVICE <> {
    ?wd_c wdt:P131 ?vilayet . # finds containing vilayet in Wikidata
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?vilayet rdfs:label ?vilayetLabel. # finds label in Wikidata
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
    ?sancak rdfs:label ?sancakLabel. # finds label in Ottgaz